Purchase Terms

The General Terms of Service ("GTC") contain the general contractual conditions for the use of the website operated by Attila Temesvári 1098 Budapest, Bell Street 16, as a service provider. Please only use our services if you agree with every point and consider it legally binding on yourself.

Provider data

The name of the service provider: Attila Temesvári
Headquarters of the service provider: 1098 Budapest, Bell Street 16.
The contact details of the service provider, the regularly used e-mail address for communicating with the customers: info@midlife-crisis-burnout.com
The language of the contract: English

Range of products and services available for purchase

Our products/services include www.midlife-crisis-burnout.com (monthly and annual), online masterclasses and books, which can be purchased through our website. The articles, images, processes, designs, and products/services on the website, copying, transferring, displaying without permission of any kind is strictly prohibited and may result in official proceedings!

Our prices are the valid list prices at the time of ordering, which can be seen at the top of the order form used to finalize the order when ordering products. Prices are gross prices, include VAT. In the case of online study material or downloadable content, there is no delivery fee, the products will be available online, from where our system will automatically send the data required for use to their e-mail address after purchase.

If there is an error or omission on the site for the products or prices, we reserve the right to correct it. In such a case, after recognizing and eliminating the error, we will immediately inform the buyer of the new data. The buyer can then reconfirm the order, or there is an opportunity for either party to withdraw from the contract. Detailed descriptions of our products are available on our website, with digital design. (Images displayed on the product sheets may differ from reality, in some cases they appear as illustrations!)

If any of our products are available for purchase at a discounted price, we will inform our customers about the duration of the promotion.

Order process, payment, and delivery

By clicking on a button on the product page, you will arrive at the order page, where you can see the summary of your order, and you have the opportunity to provide the data required for your order. If you have properly checked the content of the form and the payment conditions related to the form, click on the button at the bottom of the form.

If you have previously bought from us, it is worth buying with the same email address, so we provide the same username and password for the purchased products.

Then (if you have chosen a credit card payment method or transfer) you can pay the necessary amount by credit card/transfer through the PAYPAL system. You will be redirected to a secure page for this.

By purchasing, you accept that the following personal data stored in the user database are transferred to Paypal, as the data controller. The scope of data transferred: username, surname, first name, country, phone number, e-mail address. The purpose of data transfer: customer service assistance for users, confirmation of transactions and fraud monitoring to protect users.

There is no waiting time for credit card payments because we receive notification immediately after successful payment that the order has been completed. Thus, it becomes immediately available on the online interface with the provided login data (but within a maximum of 1 hour).

Our products are usually available online, so orders are processed within 24 hours. The execution of processed orders takes place within 1-2 working days. If any of our products are not available, we will immediately inform the buyer of the new data. The buyer can then reconfirm the order, or there is an opportunity for either party to withdraw from the contract.

Complaint handling

If you experience any problems with your order, please contact us immediately at info@midlife-crisis-burnout.com.

Special conditions for WWW.midlife-crisis-burnout.com

We have a regular subscription program, which can be ordered on a separate page from other products. (It does not appear as a linked product) Its fee can be paid with recurring credit card payment on the order form created specifically for this. Recurring credit card payment (hereinafter: "Recurring payment") is a function related to credit card acceptance provided by Paypal, which means that with the bank card data provided by the Buyer during the registration transaction, new payments can be initiated in the future without re-providing the bank card data. During the subscription, the next period starts automatically after the given period expires, the subscription is therefore renewed monthly/annually, the subscription fee is automatically settled with the given card data. If the subscriber does not wish to become a member, they can signal this at any time by email or by logging into their account and canceling their membership with the press of a button. If the customer complains within 8 days, we will refund erroneously, incorrectly deducted amounts within 14 days.

By accepting these terms, you consent to subsequent payments initiated on this site (tudastarklub.hu) after a successful registration transaction to be initiated by the Merchant without re-entering your card data and your consent per transaction. Attention(!): card data management is carried out in accordance with card company rules. Neither the Merchant nor Paypal has access to card data. Therefore, we do not store credit card data, Paypal allows recurring payments with the help of a "token".

The subscription is activated after successful payment and lasts until the person using the service requests the cancellation of the membership in their own account or by email. For monthly subscriptions, we always try to deduct the money on the day of the month the subscription started. In the case of annual subscriptions, one year after the previous payment. In the event of unsuccessful credit card payment, we send an informative letter and try to deduct several times.

If multiple attempts to deduct are unsuccessful, or the Club member has requested the termination of their membership, the Club membership will automatically expire 3 days after the subscription expires. With the termination of the subscription, the user will no longer be entitled to access the study materials, trainings, events offered within the Club's services, and will also be removed from the closed Facebook group. We are unable to refund accidentally started, paid subscription periods.

Membership can be accessed with one username/password pair, which we send to the given email address. We do not take responsibility for any damage caused by incorrectly provided data. Of course, the user has the opportunity to request the modification of their data, and we will fully assist in this. It is strictly forbidden to pass on or sell the club's entry to other people, only one person can use the club with one username and password pair. In any group, all members need to have an active subscription if they want to access the materials.

Miscellaneous provisions

The seller and buyer try to settle their disputed matters peacefully. In case of any legal disputes that cannot be settled within 30 (thirty) calendar days, the buyer and the Service Provider may request the jurisdiction of the court of general competence.

We ask you to check all data and calculations before making a decision based on them. The principles we present are just guidelines.