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We are constantly beginners again.
Have you ever wondered, or perhaps even contemplated, that we are constantly starting anew! Why is that? Why don't we ever reach the end of something? Why do we procrastinate and make promises? Why do we just daydream? Here are a few well-known and possible reasons:
The second step, if you want to escape the cycle of Constantly Starting Anew:
Have you thought about how much you are able to focus on a given thing? How long does it take before your mind wanders? Why are you sometimes scattered? If you have already uncovered in the first step what you started and didn't finish, then the next step can come.
The second step.
Hidden traumas
What signs can be observed if you have hidden traumas. The most easily detectable ones are that we postpone our responsibility, our action. We know we should act, but due to a real or assumed, anticipated event, false data, we don't. We don't take responsibility for it. More precisely, we take responsibility for not acting. We'd rather not deal with it and apply ostrich policy.
We deny it. It's not there.